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Private Equity Market Indices & Benchmarks

  • privateMetrics Indices: Five flagship equity indices representing the aggregate performance of private markets, including private2000, private5000, privateUS, privateEurope, and privateAPAC.

  • PECCS Indices & Benchmarks: Family of equity indices that capture the performance of several combinations of PECCS classes, styles, and geographic regions.

The two suites of Private Equity Indices include the flagship privateMetrics indices and the PECCS Indices and Benchmarks. The privateMetrics index construction is process-driven and the methodology for their construction and maintenance is described in the subsequent pages. PECCS Indices & Benchmarks combine all eligible companies and present their performance and other metrics. Simpler rules are followed for the construction of PECCS Indices & Benchmarks, detailed in the second part. In the final section, we also describe our cash yield computation methods that aid in total return calculations for these indices.

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