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2. Data Code of Conduct

Our Commitment MARCH 2020 TICCS® 2020 √

To assist in the understanding of the infrastructure asset class, EDHECinfra commits to producing high-quality benchmarks of infrastructure investments.

The production of these benchmarks requires the cooperation of infrastructure investors and governments to provide confidential information on their investments. EDHECinfra appreciates that reporting of confidential information is sensitive for all data contributors, and it provides the following assurance.

Data contributors can be assured of the following:

  • EDHECinfra will keep all information submitted in confidence. Confidential information provided to EDHECinfra will not, unless otherwise agreed in writing beforehand, be disclosed to any party, unless it becomes public by another source.

  • EDHECinfra will provide feedback on the data submitted, either to ask clarification or on “best practices” of reporting.

  • EDHECinfra will respond to submissions and queries in a timely manner.

In return for providing data, contributors to EDHECinfra indices can gain access to certain analytical reports and analyses based on the contributed data as well as EDHECinfra’s data collected from public sources.

Access or use of some or all of these analytical reports may require obtaining a licence from EDHECinfra.

Reports and analyses rely on data collected from multiple sources. EDHECinfra endeavours to ensure that the information is correct, but it shall not be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness, currentness, or quality of the information and data in the database or the reports that are prepared using the EDHECinfra database.

Read the Contributor Code of Conduct here.

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