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1.7.4 Disclaimer

Copyright© 2020 EDHECinfra. All Rights Reserved. EDHECinfra®, Scientific Infra® and TICCS® are trademarks of the EDHEC Group.

The EDHECinfra indices calculated by EDHEC Infrastructure Institute are for research purposes and in no case constitute an investment recommendation or allocation. As a result, neither EDHEC Infrastructure Institute nor EDHEC are responsible for the material or moral consequences of their use, which are the sole responsibility of the user.

Publication of the index composition data and the financial characteristics that could be associated with these components does not constitute promotion or a solicitation to invest in these components but provides useful additional information for the proper study and use of the indices.

Neither EDHEC Infrastructure Institute nor EDHEC are responsible for the material or moral consequences of errors or omissions that may affect the calculation of the infrastructure indices that they publish or the calculations that are carried out using these indices. The EDHECinfra and EDHEC Infrastructure Institute trademarks and the EDHECinfra index data are the exclusive property of EDHEC.

The usage and reproduction of the names and data of EDHECinfra or EDHEC Infrastructure Institute indices can only be done on condition that the following mention is included when data from these indices, or calculations conducted using these indices, are reproduced: Source: EDHEC Infrastructure Institute. By closing this window, the user certifies that they are aware of this disclaimer and accept its terms and consequences.

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